Morning Sickness Symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors

Morning sickness is actually nausea that happens to pregnant women. But, sure it doesn’t mean the nausea will come only in the morning as it can come at any time either day or night. The question of when does morning sickness start can be varying it can be the first semester or weeks after the conception. Each woman has their own period of time to experience this nausea and sure, it is not all pregnant women also experience it. It is only a large number of them.

Morning sickness

And it doesn’t need any treatment although home remedies can also make the woman better. But for the morning sickness symptoms, there are some symptoms you need to know. The nausea can come with and without vomiting. The symptoms of morning sickness are same with nausea but you need to go to a doctor when the vomiting or nausea is severe, you feel dizzy, you vomit blood, your heart races, cannot keep the liquids down and other abnormal nausea feeling.

Morning sickness

And for the causes of morning sickness, it is not clear yet. It means there is no research show the causes but it can be caused by hormonal changes of the time of pregnancy that plays the role. And for the vomiting or persistent nausea, it can occur because of medical condition that is not related to the pregnancy just like liver disease and thyroid. And as not all pregnant women experience this nausea as well as the treatment is not needed, actually for pregnant women don’t need to worry about it.

Morning sickness

However, there are some risk factors of morning sickness that can occur to any women. The risk factors can be more if you have experience vomiting or nausea from migraines, motion sickness, certain tastes or smells and also exposure the estrogen before pregnancy. If you have experience this nausea from the previous pregnancy, you can also have the risk to experience it for the next pregnancy. For pregnant women with twins or more can also experience this nausea.

Morning sickness

It is right that morning sickness doesn’t need any treatment. However, you can also do some home remedies starting by avoiding the smells you don’t like, get relaxed, and take a rest and other comfortable activities you can do. This nausea is not comfortable especially when you are going to sleep or want to start your activities. You can also ask your doctor for the treatments you need.

Description: morning sickness can occur to any pregnant women but not all of them experience this nausea. You can learn the symptoms and causes as above to learn how to treat it.  

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